Its a birth. And with every birth there comes a passage. The last twelve days of December, starting at the Solstice, begin a period where our schedules start to accomdate the New Year's Energy. Decorating your home, making space in your calendar for special people and events, we all have our own rig-a-ma-role: its a time of Scheduled Disruption. A neccessary procedure. Twelve days of Disruption, sacred disruption, for its the celebration of the re-euion with "Sun of God". Astrology written in plain english within the Bible. Three days after the darkest night of the year, we find the days getting little by little, longer and longer. We unhinge the last year, be it through drink and merriment or degrees of sorrow, suppressed rage, unrest, and like any birth, death travels along side and we are compelled to take up the challenge of another year.
The Sun of God is real, not just a figure of speech - see what famous British astrologer Jonathan Cainer has to say about it at