Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Taurus and the Second Chakra

Venus and Jupiter conjunct today in the sign of Taurus. Yummmm! Loveliness expanded in the sign of physical pleasure, music, nature and beauty. Good things to come. No rush, lots of ease. Lets enjoy it while it lasts!

Ed Cannel and Cheryl Sanderson, , first illustrated to me the signs of the astrological wheel as they co-relate to the chakras. Viewed from this perspective, Taurus links to the second chakra, where we live through our emotions, our sexuality and our gut radar. Taurus, as an earth sign, likes everything in its place. There is order, a method, a ritual.


Close the ears that track the outer world,

Open the ears of the soul.

Engage the muscles at the base of the pelvis,

The intimate special places,

And cherish the vibrating energies thus contained.

The song of creation, the unstruck chord,

Is playing in your heart.

….Listen in.

Meditating on the sound of your own life currents,

Enter the shimmering palace of the Creator.

Lorin Roche, The Radiance Sutras


Linking up the Grand Trine, Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn, a steady flow of earth elements. Emphasis is on the second chakra with the brisk meeting of Venus and Jupiter in Taurus. Themes that come to mind for today are:

Emotional Integrity .... Financial Accountability .... Forgiveness .... Loving-kindness.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Neptune in Broad Brush Strokes

Neptune in Pisces says, "Your radar has shifted from your electronic community into your deep personal heart space that permeates out into the ether.”

Neptune is often understood to have a spiritual resonance. Yet my friend and fellow astrologer, Ed Cannel, pointed out that there is nothing actually “spiritual” about Neptune. Within its glyph the symbol of spirit, the circle, is absent. The upward crescent of Neptune symbolizes receptivity, perceptiveness and contact with new realities. The energy of Neptune is towards the superconscious and its ability to link it with material realities. What separates Neptune from pure Spirit is the human quality of creating the “ideal” and the human trait of creating of myths and heroes. Herein lays the possibility for fantasy, illusion, deception coupled with the highest possible expressions of the human heart: compassion, charity and kindness.

Neptune in Pisces will trine the Neptune in Scorpio (1955-70) crowd over the next 15 years. The massive flow of energy will re-awaken the era that heralded huge shifts in the roles of men and women. What the energy of Scorpio did between Neptune in Libra and Neptune in Sagittarius was to deeply stir-up the bottom of relationships!

From the mid 50’s onwards Neptune in Scorpio set the earth quaking with music filtering sexuality.

Fevered change rumbled into the 60’s, sexuality openly displayed by the youth culture--abundant thanks to Pluto/Uranus opposing Saturn for the crisis and the crossroads.

Come 1970, Neptune was done grinding through karmic ties and began lifting to the intellectual highs of Sagittarius. Folks must have felt some relief--yet Uranus and soon later Pluto, were just beginning to bust through the relationship garden of Libra. Partnership rules were yet to undergo further re-modelling. Pluto through Libra spawned the intense desire and need for life-long relationships, simultaneously dividing ruthlessly contracts that were not deeply balanced within. The root awareness: sexual contests and gender roles between men and women again and again and again. Divorce rates proliferated into society and became an option from there on in. The male/female game really took a beating. …

I was a kid in the 70’s and watched with shock many families around us begin to break apart. It was frightening as well as awakening, a snatching of innocence. With Uranus and Pluto making tracks through Libra, that cardinal point, what broke apart in relationships - broke apart the individual - from the family setting and extended out to the societal expectations. Explosion! The illusion that the status quo was solid and immovable cracked and as if for the first time, there was room to step outside. As kids we were all wondering if the threat would break up our own homes, if it hadn’t already. I remember watching my mother watching Gloria Steinem on TV and sensing the electricity of new ideas. Change! I remember the novel The Women’s Room by Marilyn French sitting beside her purse. I remember her vacuuming to the voice of Helen Redding singing I am Woman. My mother has 5 planets lined up in Libra, including Neptune at 0 degrees.

The Neptune in Libra era does feel like a time so far away from my own. I don’t have the same triggers as they do, nor the same hopes or fears. My only scope of this time is through cinematic history and music, appropriately Neptune's rulerships. 1942-1955, the energy of Surrender, Idealization, Romantic Mist poured through Libra. This is the Base Ball DIAMOND of relationships. “Who’s on 1st? … Got a man on 2nd?” Competition was blurred by the fairness of the rules and the attractiveness of the uniforms: a game played between REAL Men and REAL Women. Their instructions were given through the movies and television of how to portray and perceive self and other. Semiotics, as a deconstructive device, was still yet unavailable to most average viewers. The masses were simply hypnotized. Whatever pieces of the game didn't fit were to be denied or avoided. If it hurt, then it hurt badly and playing the role of the victim heightened the score. How else would the saviour make the stage?

The underside to the overt game playing was the brutal sadness at the loss of authentic self for the sake of the relationship. The sacrifice of self for the prize of social acceptance, meant a huge amount of medicated depression was going on behind closed doors. Edith Piaf and Marilyn Monroe come to mind. Their pain, personal and projected, meant that they wore what others could not afford for themselves. Yet the veil of forgetting, nor the glamour, sadly could not protect these two women from their own suffering.

Alcohol (the spirits) and cigarettes (The fog) were trusted screens of the 40’s and 50’s. Note the television series Mad Men, ironically depicting male and females roles during this era. Neptune rules madness as well as advertising. Today we can watch this series in present time reading the through layers of meaning, entertaining all the more because the glamour still seduces us!

--Funny thing, when I see Trannies today, dress-up as glamour stars from the past, I get how constructed the ideal female was back then. So much so, that a handful of gay men with real enthusiasm for that kind of beauty, can pull off the look with more ease and grace than most of women of that era ever could.

Transition to Neptune in Scorpio: intensity, vice, seduction, vivid colors, aliveness, free-flowing sexuality, a heightening of all senses, a lack of inhibition. While each one of these qualities has something to teach us, leaving them to chance experience or to be channelled through illicit drugs, is likely to leak this potent energy and to weaken what we are capable of becomingThe doors of perception are no longer unlocked through drugs. In fact drugs are now obsolete. While the music and movie industries may never become totally ``clean``, awareness is there. We are clearer on the pain that leads to drug addiction.

Neptune in Pisces: innocence, universal love, music streaming, heart spaces-uniting with divine wisdom.

The flow of Neptune between Scorpio and Pisces is oceanic. The generation that waved the flag: Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll, will be sensing their feelings, still waving what runs deeply and flows over. Waters in Pisces lift to meet the sky --and breathe a little easier--taking their own course, through timeless music beyond what can be seen.