Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer 2010 - Grand Cross. Cardinal.

Are you feeling like the pressure is on? Are expectations on high?
Creative Problem Solving is a thrilling ride when you feel like you are co-creating with the Source.
Curve balls from parnters, frenemies have extra zing, but so do the effects of our come backs.
                                              Beware./Being Aware.
ease. Easing-Up on the accelarator and remembering that moderation is a life-enhancing compass and not a  kill-joy parent. No one wants their party plans crushed.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26, 2010. Full Moon. Grand Cross

Yes, what an appropiate time to start this blog. First entry. Full Moon in Capricorn, aspecting my north node in Gemini, quincunx. Healing, dis-eased, Healing. Thats how my life flows. My Sun and Moon are quincunx natally by exact degree, so dis-ease and healing are a life theme and work for me.

My intention is to create this blog as a place to disperse information about the work I and other like minded individuals create for the purposes of healing, raising consciousness and living creatively.
